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Atlas of tropical cyclones in the French Antilles
Guadeloupe  •  Martinique  •  Saint-Barthelemy  •  Saint-Martin

Depuis 1950 | 1851-1949 | 1635-1850

This part of the atlas provides lists and analyses of all tropical cyclones that affected the French West Indies between 1635 (date of the beginning of the French settlement in these islands) and 1850, for which the available archives allowed us to attest to their existence. This period does not benefit from the analysis contained in the official database HURDAT (HURricane DATabase), which does not go back before the year 1851, at this time. The reconstruction of the life of these cyclonic disturbances is therefore the result of our analytical work from documents of that time (letters and reports from the governors and general intendants of these territories and from some inhabitants, press articles, directories issued from specialized historians).

Updating : July 2024

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Produced by - Amicale des Ouragans (Association founded by Alain Gillot-Pétré)
See founding charter

Francais | Kréyòl | English

Atlas overview
(click on the thumbnail to enlarge)

Site réalisé par François BOREL, Roland MAZURIE et Jean-Claude HUC
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